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Taber Abrasion Test 1700/1750

Article No. 15233

1700 Taber Single Abrasion Test, 230V

  • 1700 Single Abrasion Tester
  • 230 Voltage

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$8,510.00 excl. taxes & shipping cost


  • Calibration Certificate Included
  • Delivers reliable data in minutes and are used to evaluate a material's resistance to wear
  • Supplied with 8 mm sized nozzles, if testing transparent materials and following a test method like ASTM D1044 or required, 11 mm nozzles are available and sold separately under accessories (1750 requires 2 kits, the 1700 requires 1 kit)
  • Referenced in more than 100 international test standards and specifications
  • Specified by numerous industries as the standard for wear and abrasion research, quality and process control, materials evaluation, and product development.
  • LCD operator touch screen
  • Easy to operate
  • Quick release wheel mounting hub
  • Critical componentd easy to replace
  • Compact abraser arm assemblies
  • Redesigned support frame and housing
  • Direct flow vacuum nozzel with precision height
  • Selectable display options (including language) store test profiles
  • Available in either 115/230 V and 50/60Hz
  • Genuine taber abrading wheels and test accessories offer enormous versatility
  • Its field of application includes tests of painted, lacquered, powder coated, and electroplated surfaces; textile fabrics ranging from sheer silks to heavy upholstery and carpeting; solid materials such as metals, stone and ceramics; plus plastics, leather, rubber, linoleum, laminates, glass, paper, and many others.




A flat specimen is mounted to a turntable platform that rotates on a vertical axis. As the turntable rotates, contact of the specimen against the sliding rotation of two abrading wheels cause wear while a vacuum system removes loose wear debris during the test. The resulting abrasion marks form a pattern of crossed arcs in a circular band that cover an area approximately 30 cm2.

Delivery Content

Taber Abraser, Auxiliary Weights provide 500g & 1000g load, Specimen Holder, Hold Down Ring, Vacuum Unit with Suction Hose


Vacuum Unit 110-120V version
Vacuum Unit 220-240V version
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