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DV2T Digital Viscometers

Article No. 14547

LVDV2T Brookfield Digital Viscometer

  • DV2T Viscometer
  • LV Model
  • 4 spindles
  • Viscosity Range Centipoise: 1 - 6M


Select your model

$6,597.00 excl. taxes & shipping cost


  • The DV2T is a programmable digital Brookfield viscometer that offers new programming capabilities and results analysis including data averaging and QC limits with alarms
  • Continuous display of: Viscosity (cP or mPa•s), Temperature (°C & °F), Shear Rate / Shear Stress, % Torque, Spindle
  • Selectable speeds provide superior range of viscosity/shear measurements for use in stand-alone operation
  • Automated program control by PC running (optional) RheocalcT software; speed control from 0.01 to 200 rpm.
  • Built-in RTD temperature probe for sample monitoring
  • Easy-to-use keypad for simple selection of test parameters and customizable options
  • USB PC Interface provides optional computer control and automatic data gathering capability
  • Complete with appropriate spindles, PG Flash Software, RTD Temperature Probe, viscometer stand, guard leg, and carrying case.
  • 5-inch Full Color Touch Screen Display - New User Interface, Enhanced Controls, Real Time Trend Indicator, Supports Multiple Languages
  • Auto Range Showing - Maximum viscosity measured with Spindle/Speed combination
  • Convenient Bubble Level
  • Download custom test programs with PG Flash Software (included with instrument)
  • Accuracy: ±1.0% of range - Displayed with test data
  • Repeatability: ±0.2%
  • Enhanced Security - Customizable User Access, Date and Time Stamp File, Password Access, Portable Log-in Settings
  • Built-in Options - Timed Tests, Data Averaging, Programmable QC Limits/Alarms, Customizable, Speed/Spindle Lists, Test Based User Instructions, On-Screen Data Comparison
  • Parallel printer, serial RS-232, and analog voltage outputs allows direct connection to the printer, which can, either continuously or on-demand, print out fully formatted and labelled data on all parameters.
  • Recording - The Brookfield Thermosel System with DV-II+Pro produces a visual profile of a material's viscosity and temperature behavior on the strip chart recorder.
  • User instructions with multistep protocols can be created on PC based software and uploaded to the DV2T through a USB Flash Drive.
  • Available software:
    • PG Flash Software - Program generator software for customizing test criteria for routine product QC PG Flash allows you to create repeatable custom tests on your PC! Once the program (up to 25 steps) is created, it can be downloaded to a supplied USB flash drive and then uploaded to any DV2T Viscometer.
    • RheocalcT Software (Optional) - Get total control of your instrument and test parameters Automatically control and collect data with Rheocalc and a dedicated computer. RheocalcT can analyze data, generate multiple plot overlays, print tabular data, run math models and perform other time-saving routines. Data can be saved in the program or exported to Excel®

Technical Attributes

  • Data

    Viscosity Range Centipoise (mPa·s)
    Max RPM Speeds

    Number of Spindles Supplied
    ** Standard torque range values M=1Million
    * Minimum ranges can be extended to as low as 1 cP with the use of Brookfield Accessories


Meets or exceeds ASTM D 2196 (Rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials by rotational viscometers)

Delivery Content

Instrument, 6 spindles (RV/HA) or 4 spindles (LV), PG Flash Software, RTD Temperature Probe, Spindle Guard Leg*, Lab Stand (Model G), Carrying Case - *Not applicable to HA torque models


Brookfield RTD Temperature Probe
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