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Skin Tone Color Chart

Article No. 12738

Leneta 25C Skin Tone Chart 250/Bx

The Skin Tone Color Chart, Form 25C (sealed to prevent absorption of cosmetic material by the paper.) For evaluating the impact of skin tones on the final color effect of cosmetic materials. When cosmetics are applied on this chart, their effect with various skin tone colors can be readily evaluated, both visually and instrumentally.

$145.00 excl. taxes & shipping cost


Human skin tones vary from beige to almost black. Color cosmetics are designed to mask, enhance or modify the user's skin tone. Depending on a person's skin tone, the result of using different cosmetic colorants can vary from slight to dramatic.

A tool for representing a variety of skin tone colors was introduced at the May 2001 meeting of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists. In a paper presented by Engelhard Corporation, Leneta Form 25C was noted as "A novel skin tone chart… [with]… excellent color shade uniformity, color density, reproducibility, non-fluorescence and surface smoothness." 


Conforming with ASTM Method D 5150

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